AK Boxing Club

AK Fundamentals

Every journey begins with a single step, and AK Fundamentals classes are your first step into the art of boxing. Tailored specifically to newcomers, these sessions break down boxing stance, footwork and punches so you can move with confidence and proper form. You’ll learn fundamental offensive and defensive skills and how to transfer your weight to execute powerful punching combinations. AK Fundamentals classes are naturally slower paced, but include strength and conditioning drills to ensure you get a solid workout as you learn to roll with the punches.

Group Sessions

Training sessions at AK Boxing Club are small group (6-8 people max) hour-long classes that focus on boxing technique, intense mitt-work and full body conditioning. Every class begins with a thorough warm-up of stretches, light cardio drills and shadowboxing to prepare you for six 3-minute rounds of high impact work on mitts and heavy bags, followed by a core workout to round out the session. You can expect to see mini-bands, kettle bells, jump ropes, medicine balls and body weight exercises as part of the cardio and core work which will vary from session to session. Regardless of the day’s program, every session will be a solid, technique-focused workout that’ll have you ready to level up.


  • Intro Session $25
  • 60-Minute Session $50
  • 10 Session Pack $450

    60 day expiry

  • 20 Session Pack $800

    120 day expiry

MEMBER Pricing

  • 8 Sessions Per Month $325/Mo

    (Additional sessions $36/each)

  • Unlimited $425/mo

    Unlimited semi-private training each month

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